The karda is growing!! In the ABC News link below you’ll see aerial depictions of the Noongar artworks planted in the Fitz-Stirling section of Gondwana Link. The story includes a 2023 image of the wonderful karda (goanna), which is pictured above back in 2019. The karda is based on a great piece of work in 2017 by artist Errol Eades and the Nowanup Rangers, along with direct seeding by Glen Steven of Greening Australia. The ABC story also features the Karta-Wongkin-Jini (place where people come together) planted on the Nowanup property a few years earlier by Eugene Eades and Justin Jonson from Threshold Environmental. We are honored to have facilitated these recognitions of Noongar culture. Funding for the karda was gratefully received from State Natural Resource Management Program WA, who have been consistent heroes for many years.
The story and a 2023 image of the karda are on ABC News online here.