Our vision

Reconnected country across south-western Australia, from the wet forests in the southwest corner to the dry woodlands and mallee bordering the Nullarbor Plain, in which ecosystem function and biodiversity are restored and maintained.


Giving fire back to Goreng Country

“Fire is a part of us, we are a part of it”, says Elder Uncle Eugene Eades. It has been a long time since the Goreng and Menang people of the Great Southern gave fire back to Country in the Noongar way. Gondwana Link’s Jim Underwood describes his experience as a non-Aboriginal member of a collaborative team that has supported a recent cultural burn on Country.


Keeping a close eye on who’s there

For several years the Ngadju Rangers have been setting up remote cameras to monitor what’s happening when they aren’t there. The rangers have used them to monitor whether malleefowl are using a nest, what animals are using a water source, who lives in hollow logs, and what animals are visiting the recently burnt country.


Nowanup Ranger seed collection training

Through a partnership with Greening Australia and Woodside, the Nowanup Rangers undertook accredited training in native seed collection. A short video tells this story.


From Queensland to Gondwana Link

Bill and Jane Thompson always wanted to be active participants in a large conservation project so they moved from Queensland and bought “Yarraweyah Falls”, a 1500 ha property in central Gondwana Link.


Exciting stuff

A young farmer’s fresh outlook on the land

A young farmer’s fresh outlook on the land

Meet impressive young landcarer Monty House. He’s a 24-year-old WA sheep and grain farmer with a wonderful story of growing up with a love of farming and a commitment to landcare. He was ...
CSIRO studying effective governance principles & processes in the Gondwana Link

CSIRO studying effective governance principles & processes in the Gondwana Link

Why do some large landscape-scale restoration efforts succeed? What makes some programs able to overcome challenges and navigate changing circumstances? A new action-research collaboration ...

Explore the places, stories and nature across the Gondwana Link

Heartland Journeys will enrich your experience of south-western Australia’s extraordinary natural values, cultural history and world-class eco-restoration efforts.


By donating to Gondwana Link you will be helping us to reconnect country across 1,000km of south-western Australia.

© Raana Scott - Carnaby cockatoo in flight, flame grevillea