Dedication and generosity!

Planning the photo shoot. Jiri and Marie Lochman talking with Keith Bradby at Nowanup. Photo Amanda Keesing.

Renowned wildlife photographers Jiri and Marie Lochman are donating some weeks of their time to Bush Heritage by camping in the Fitz-Stirling section of the Link and taking a wide array of photos on key properties. And a great opportunity for Amanda Keesing to catch up Marie and Jiri, who are old friends. Amanda and Keith Bradby showed the Lochman’s over a number of properties and helped them select good campsites. We look forward to the results.


By donating to Gondwana Link you will be helping us to reconnect country across 1,000km of south-western Australia.

© Raana Scott - Carnaby cockatoo in flight, flame grevillea