For those concerned with the linked issues of fire, ecological health and public safety, the Nornalup Residents and Ratepayers Association is organising a public debate and workshop on bushfire awareness to be held on 6 October from 10am to 2pm at the Nornalup Community Hall.
The debate part of the event (10am – 12 noon) includes panellists from diverse perspectives, notably fire ecologists Grant Wardell-Johnson and John Bailey, Parks and Wildlife Service scientists and fire officers Lachie McCaw, Brad Barton and Alison Benson and Denmark Shire fire risk coordinator Melanie Haymont.
The afternoon session (12.30pm – 2pm) is devoted to formulating a ‘bushfire-ready’ plan for Nornalup.
The Ratepayers and Residents Association is hoping for a strong turnout from community members from the South Coast region and beyond who have an interest or expertise in any aspect of the vital issue of fire and burning. Please come along to hear what others have to say and contribute to the debate.
Please also share this information with others.