A new program not only launched but well afloat. The WA Minister for the Environment, Hon. Dr Judy Edwards today launched the “Reconnections” project, a three year partnership between Greening Australia and Shell Development Australia. Reconnections Project Manager, Barry Heydenrych describes this project as contributing to and supporting Greening Australia’s work as a major partner in Gondwana Link. Its focus is the Corackerup and Bremer Valleys, which lie in the Fitz-Stirling section of the Link between the Stirling Range and Fitzgerald River national parks. The project will fund large-scale revegetation, work with landholders and Indigenous groups to develop and trial new forms of biodiversity-focused agriculture, and using bio-diverse revegetation to sequester carbon. As part of this very successful launch, a busload of Shell Australia and Greening Australia staff visited the region for 3 days. The visit included planting Melaleucas on Cowboy Country, inspecting the Green Plough, viewing malleefowl mounds, and whale watching at Point Ann.
The Weekend Australian featured the visit in an article published on 21-22 August 2004.