Gondwana Link’s Board met this week with key members of the Great Eastern Ranges Initiative (GERI), our main ‘equivalent’ organisation in Australia. GERI is supporting on-ground efforts in three states, Victoria, NSW and Queensland, and was established by the NSW Government, who continue to fund parts of the program. Despite our totally different origins (GERI grew as a government program, and Gondwana from the private sector) we have long recognised we have much in common, and wrestle with very similar issues. Discussions this week ranged across the best management structure, options for cooperative fundraising, the scientifically complex issues of demonstrating outcomes across a thousand or two kilometres, and how to ‘maintain the brand’ at a high standard while ensuring the groups we both work with have the maximum freedom to be innovative. GERI is at a critical stage of development, one that we passed in 2009, and we understand it will shortly be established as a legal entity with a Board of Management. We enjoyed sharing our experience on that journey, hope we have helped, and look forward to cooperating together more in the future.