Stop fooling, this is serious!

Brush Mulching at Nowanup. Photo Barry Heydenrych

The sodic clays soils at Greening Australia’s Nowanup property present particular challenges for restoration. Here a team from Shell are trialling brush mulching on Nowanup under the guidance of Greening Australia’s Chris Robinson and Barry Heydenrych. Branches with seed bearing nuts are laid into furrows. As the sun and wind dry the nuts, the seeds mature, fall to the ground and grow in the protection and micro-climate provided by the parent branch. This technique has been a very useful way of increasing the population of Corackerup Moort (Euc. vesiculosa) which is found at only a few locations including two of the Gondwana Link properties in the Fitz-Stirling section of the Link.


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© Raana Scott - Carnaby cockatoo in flight, flame grevillea