We’re delighted to announce that Mike Griffiths has joined Gondwana Link’s Great Western Woodlands Program. Mike, pictured here (on the left) with his Program Manager, Peter Price, started work this week as Woodlands Operations Manager, based in the ‘heart of the woodlands’ at Norseman. Mike’s work program has a strong initial focus on supporting our Ngadju Conservation colleagues, as they move from their planning and training phases into extensive on-ground operations. Mike comes to us with a strong ecological background, including working in the World Wildlife Fund’s Wheatbelt program for eleven years, as a Biodiversity Officer with Wheatbelt NRM for 18 months, and as a volunteer Threatened Species Field Assistant with the Dept. of Parks and Wildlife since 2007 (easy to see why we are so delighted with this appointment!). Mike also has a strong interest in languages, and is reasonably fluent in five so far, including Noongar, and hopes soon to be proficient in Ngadju as well. Mike can be contacted and congratulated on mgriffiths@gondwanalink.org.
Meanwhile Peter, who has been solely supporting the on-round Ngadju efforts to date, is now about to have a few well-earned week’s holiday. Then his work will be re-focused into providing strategic level support for Mike and Ngadju Conservation as well as a broader Woodlands effort.
We acknowledge the ongoing support for these positions from the Pew Charitable Trust.