Another major conservation area joins the Link. After more than three years of negotiation, survey and subdivision, Bush Heritage has achieved final property settlement on its brand new Monjebup Reserve. Congratulations to all involved, on both securing this wonderful property and for displaying impressive tenacity.
The property contains some of the most intact land in the region, so its purchase significantly improves nature conservation prospects amongst the cluster of habitat protected in this part of the Link’s Fitz-Stirling area, including the 4300 ha Corackerup Nature Reserve, Greening Australia’s 760ha Nowanup property and the 870 ha Bush Heritage Chereninup Creek Reserve.
Securing Monjebup is also important in its own right. It includes geologically significant landforms and disjunct populations of rare plants, such as the Sandplain sun orchid (Thelymitra psammophila), Corackerup moort (Eucalyptus vesiculosa) and Eucalyptus arborella. The western whipbird and malleefowl, both nationally vulnerable, are also known to live on Monjebup.
The next challenge is for BHA science staff to fully survey the area, which has no vehicle access and contains much rugged country – making it some of the least accessible bushland in the Link’s Fitz-Stirling area. No doubt there is much more to be found.