Nature Conservation Margaret River has an ‘Adopt a Spot’ Program which is restoring the landscape and forging long term community relationships built on stewardship of the land. Adopt a Spot is now in its fourth year and continues to connect students from a number of schools with landowners and community groups to care for foreshore, bushland and coastal reserves.
One of the biggest success stories of the program has been the adoption of Ellen Place Reserve along the Margaret River. In 2018, students from Margaret River Primary School adopted the formerly arum lily infested reserve. Local landowners, volunteers and students worked together to plant over 2000 native plants.
Spearheaded by local landowner Ann Ward, the plants were watered and cared for over the summer months. They have grown spectacularly and already there is self -seeding of peppermints and kennedia resulting in a flourishing planting with well over 90% survival rate.
Ann Ward has started planting more natives on her adjacent block and even contributing to the reserve planting. The success has inspired another landowner Doug Bligh to plant hundreds of native plants on his neighbouring property.
Ann Ward eloquently stated “I feel like a custodian and that it’s necessary to do this. Once you see what is required, you can’t unsee”.