Last Friday’s Feral Cat workshop, organised by Oyster Harbour Catchment Group, was a great success. The day consisted of a series of self-managed, open discussions on topics put forward by the participants! The flavour of the topics varied from ‘Is it worth undertaking a feral cat control if it is not part of an integrated feral control program?’ and ‘How can we collaborate more effectively?’ to ‘How do we win the hearts and minds of people to better manage cats?’
I take my hat off to Jenni Loveland who had done a fantastic job of inviting participants with a range of viewpoints on cats. Jenni had strived to ensure all aspects of feral cat control were considered. The 30 participants included representatives of local environmental groups, shires, agencies, universities, wildlife carers, traditional custodians, vets, RSPCA and landholders.
After sharing knowledge, opinions, and viewpoints the participants contributed to listing the actions for next steps in coordinated feral control across a region. Jenni then received expressions of interest for the formation of a feral cat working group. I look forward to seeing the ongoing work to manage the wicked problem that is feral cats.