On 3 December 2002, Eddy and Donna Wajon started the ball rolling by taking formal ownership of their wonderful Chingarrup Sanctuary property. This was the first conservation property secured specifically as part of building Gondwana Link on the ground.
Chingarrup has now been at the centre of 20 great years of activity, from initial restoration of its cleared areas to the amazing array of camp outs, awareness-raising tours, weeding weekends, citizen science events and monitoring, ongoing compilation of an amazing list of species, community track repair events and much more. It is now a wonderful home for malleefowl and other wildlife.
Back in 2002, it was so exciting for us to walk them over what was then a derelict ‘For Sale’ property, hear their enthusiasm, and realise that the Gondwana Link vision was starting on its journey to becoming a reality (particularly as they also went onto buy Mondurup View, west of the Stirlings, at the same time).
It was wonderful to be able to celebrate the 20th anniversary with this charismatic couple on a healthy bit of country in an increasingly healthy landscape – the Fitzgerald to Stirling section of Gondwana Link.