‘Balijup: A Jewel in Gondwana Link’ is a great ~6 minute film on Balijup Farm available on YouTube. Balijup is a special property in Western Australia’s Great Southern region. Today it is a shining example of landcare. Settled by the Hordacre family in the 1920s, this unique farm comprises over 700 hectares of lakes, wetlands, bush and plantations, as well as 120 hectares of cropland. This film shows how community group Green Skills is partnering with the owners on an exciting range of nature restoration, citizen science, eco-art and Noongar cultural projects. This includes the Balijup Fauna Sanctuary where bandicoots have been released. Balijup forms a vital link in the Gondwana Link program. Well done to everyone involved especially Craig Carter who filmed and edited the video.