Seems that there is something good happening every day in the Fitz-Stirling section of Gondwana Link. The Albany Wildflower Society have been out there recently as part of a whirlwind of activity happening on Eddy and Donna Wajon’s Chingarrup Sanctuary. Kath Gray from the Wildflower Society wrote:
“Wonderful 2 days spent at Chingarrup and Nowanup properties, learning about how to sample for Macro-invertebrates from local river systems, creeks and rock pools. After various grades of sieving, the water is poured into a tray, and little critters are sucked or spooned into vials for study under the microscope.The Corackerup Creek had freshwater shrimps, mussels, tiny fish, aquatic beetles, midgie larvae, amphipods, copepods and Caddis Fly larvae. Thanks to Eddy and Donna Wajon for welcoming us onto their Chingarrup property and to Eugene Eades for welcoming us to Nowanup. Thanks also to Geraldine and Steve Janicke for sharing their knowledge with us”.