The Great Western Woodlands goes ‘Live’ (very live in fact). The Wilderness Society, in conjunction with Pew Environmental, The Nature Conservancy and supported by us at Gondwana Link, have launched the very significant report – ‘The Extraordinary Nature of the Great Western Woodlands’. It was a delightful morning at Fraser’s Restaurant in Kings Park with over 100 invited guests, including a strong contingent from the Ngadju Community, Parliamentarians, Departmental representatives, contributing scientists and colleagues plus wide representation from the conservation movement. Ngadju Elder Sonny Graham gave a delightful introduction and a song in Ngadju, after which WA Minister for the Environment David Templeman officially launched the report (with great enthusiasm and verve we should add).
The report is the culmination of research, data analysis and dialogue that has been ongoing since 2004, led by the Wilderness Society but involving a wide group of researchers, 24 of whom contributed sections. With the outstanding and globally significant ecological values of the Woodlands now established, the program will move onto securing better protection and management for the area.