
Supporting First Nations

For reasons of decency, social justice and practical achievement, Gondwana Link works to ensure First Nations people have significant opportunities, including being able to  lead significant conservation programs and benefit from the range of those and other programs across the link.

The country that the Gondwana Link program works in and for encompasses the traditional lands of the Noongar, Ngadju and Wongi people.  Native Title over significant public land areas has been recognised in recent years, more recognition is likely, and the Noongar settlement seems near final.  This restores some rights to the traditional owners, and gives them the opportunity to return to their roles as managers of their land. But they need help to do that.

We show respect and work closely with First Nations people throughout the Gondwana Link. Specific strategies include:

  • Developing and supporting groups to establish themselves as land managers, with conservation plans and Ranger Teams in place.
  • Encouraging groups and other property owners to provide access to their properties for cultural purposes.
  • Strengthening cultural exchange and cross cultural learning.
  • Encouraging a consideration of the needs and values of the First Nations peoples in all work undertaken.
  • Providing opportunity for cross cultural relationships to develop and flourish.
  • Auspicing programs as needed.

The short (9min) beautifully made film below is about the importance of healing country.


  • Nowanup – welcome to Noongar Boodja

    Nowanup – welcome to Noongar Boodja

    Since its establishment in 2006, the cultural exchange program at Nowanup, with its lead facilitator Eugene Eades, has touched thousands of lives.

  • Ngadju land management program

    Ngadju land management program

    Ngadju people are actively caring for their country and implementing a Healthy Country Plan. Ngadju Rangers look after the Ngadju bunna and undertake works on country to protect spiritual sites;...

  • Cultural Heritage Action Plan

    Cultural Heritage Action Plan

    In 2018, a project led by the Gray Family’s Yarramoup Aboriginal Corporation from the Shire of Jerramungup, was undertaken to explore the cultural values of the middle section of the Gairdner River...


By donating to Gondwana Link you will be helping us to reconnect country across 1,000km of south-western Australia.

© Raana Scott - Carnaby cockatoo in flight, flame grevillea Shape Created with Sketch.